Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Drafted Post v1: Reuniting w Irfan Roslee

Drafted Post v1: Reuniting with Irfan Roslee after a few years of absence from my extremely good life.

*posting entries in my draft folder* 


First entry of 2015, yay!

It really has been one year. But it doesn't matter anyway cause I am not a famous blogger. You know, it takes a lot of time updating a blog. See, it literally took me a year.

June, the 5th month of internship. I don't want to talk about this. Internship is just amazing to say the least! 

I received text messages from my long lost friend and we decided to meet one another after a few years of disappearance. We've gone through some stuffs which I'm not particularly proud of. I know those things are a part of growing up process and that's perfectly fine for me. I have missed him, no BS! Last few years, he was one of my best friends. He really helped me in everything, he supported everything I decided to do. He was no judge. Those things made me feel extremely comfortable to befriend with him. He was also one of the guys, those who were important to me.

A month ago, we planned to meet. I was afraid at first because I haven't met him in 3 years. Afraid is really not a suitable word so I would say nervous. I was so nervous because things may not work like they used to 3 years ago. We were really close, everything we did was parallel since the first time I knew him in 2006. I knew the best of him and what I did, he did the same thing too! Like, I used to imagine I performed in front of the crowd whenever I listened to a song and he did that too! Hahaha.. And even when we met last month, we were talking about this and we both laughed our asses off.

I was getting nervous for no reason. He hasn't changed a bit. It amazed me greatly when we could laugh and talk in no time. What can I say about him is that he is real, he is being himself. It is good for us though, because he did say to me on several occasions that I was his best friend before this. I felt the same way too but biasalah dulu too young too dumb to realize! Hahahaha. And even now I still consider him my best friend. I do not know what about him but I get comfortable easily when we hang out."

I didn't get to finish this post but I do have one of my entries which I believe to be almost exactly the same like this. Alhamdulilllah, Irfan kembali sudah dipangkuanku. Xoxo

Rahmat, 3/12/2019.

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